How to help Ukraine

So Russia attacked and the open war became reality for Ukraine.

Stand with Ukraine


It is tragic and it is difficult to believe that all this suffering that a nation is experiencing now is due to the ambitions of one psychopath.

Russian army greatly outnumber the defenders of Ukraine, but, surprisingly we did not give up much territory yet.

One of the problem is our border with Russia and Belarus is extensive, so aggressor has huge space for maneuver. Kyiv, our capital, is way too close to the border.

I think most of you know about what exactly going on in Ukraine from the news, and I don't feel like saying much, except clearing the fact that Ukraine is my motherland. 

If you feel like helping Ukraine with more than your prayers, here are some ways in which you can do it:

Ukraine needs support from leading countries to pressure aggressor with sanctions. 

It seems like Putin just insane! But hopefully, even he can feel the danger of economic collapse. 

I know, some sanctions are already in place. But, ironically, the Russian stock market had growth today (Feb25). It collapsed in the day of attack, but bounced back in response to weak sanctions. 

Putin can't be stopped by banning his friends from traveling to the US. That's a joke. 

Ban Russia from SWIFT, impose trading embargo - these are more reasonable responses to open military aggression.

By advocating those kinds of sanctions you can truly help Ukraine. Re-post it, tag your president/prime minister, let them see it's a popular opinion. 

There are couple of ways you can financially aid Ukraine.  biggest Ukrainian NGO that works in the war zone. the the fast link to their secured payment link. I checked it - it worked. The Ministry of Defense page, there are accounts to donate there. I'm afraid it has to go through the bank, there is no easy click and pay button.



Ban Russia From SWIFT


The author of this blog Andriy Yanovych, is a Ukrainian, currently living abroad. 

It so happens, my wife Oksana is a russian-speaking Ukrainian from Donetsk region. In his propaganda Putin says he protects russian-speaking population that was discriminated. Oksana would laugh out loud being called discriminated. 

Only she doesn't laugh these days. 

What Putin does is truly tragic!


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